This work was supported by the Korean Federation of Science
and Technology Societies Grant Funded
by the Korean Government.

On-line Program

  • October 19

    [Protein Design Symposium]
    Chemistry and AI: Application to Biology and Medicine

    10.19 (Wed) 13:30-17:10, Room 203+204

    Chemistry and AI : Application to Biology and Medicine

    Labotory Safety Education

    10.19 (Wed) 14:00-16:50, Room 206

    "Labotory Safety Education for the Graduate Students and Researchers" Initiated by the Korean Chemical Society

    Tutorial 1,2

    10.19 (Wed) 15:00-16:50, Room 300A

    Electrochemical Methods

    Writing a Manuscript from Title to Conclusion

    IBS Symposium

    10.19 (Wed) 13:30-17:00, Room 300B

    Frontiers in Molecular Spectroscopy and Imaging

    CAU-ERC Symposium

    10.19 (Wed) 13:30-16:40, Room 300C

    Frontiers In Nanophotonics-based Point-of-Care Diagnostics of COVID-19

  • October 20

    Plenary Lecture

    10.20 (Thu) 13:30-14:20, Room 300B

    How Far Can We Push the Chemical Self-assembly?

    Prof. Kimoon Kim
    University Professor, POSTECH Director, Center for Self-assembly and Complexity (CSC), Institute for Basic Science (IBS)

    KCS General Assembly

    10.20 (Thu) 14:30-15:30, Room 300B

    BKCS Symposium

    10.20 (Thu) 15:40-17:30, Room 300B

    BKCS : The Better Future of the Korean Chemical Society

    Scientific Programs

    Special Symposium
    October 20
    Invited Lecture
    October 20
    Oral Presentation
    October 20
    Division General Meeting
    October 20
  • October 21

    2022 Taikyue Ree Academic Award

    10.21 (Fri) 13:30-14:20, Room 300B

    Chiral Supramolecular Polymerization Accompanying a Helical Inversion and Morphology Transformation

    Prof. Jong Hwa Jung
    (Gyeongsang National University)

    KCS Editors' Symposium

    10.21 (Fri) 10:10-11:55, Room 300B

    10.21 (Fri) 14:30-16:50, Room 300B

    Leading Scientists in Understanding and Regulating Chemical Structures and Reactions

    Special Lecture for Gyeongju Middle & High School Student

    10.21 (Fri) 16:30-18:00, Room 201+202

Official Partner

