대한화학회 제104회 총회 및 학술발표회 전자 논문집 (ISSN 1229-6708)
A회장 201호
- 2 - 15:00~16:00 화학쇼(최정훈교수팀) 16:00~17:00 화학주간 선포식, RSC(영국화학회) presentation, 제4회 화학시화대회/제6회 화학포스터그리기대회 시상식, IUPAC 총회 유치 결과 보고 17:00~18:00 노벨상 수상자 특별강연(Roger D. Kornberg, Stanford University)
A 회장 201호
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10:00 ~ 10:50 총회
10:50 ~ 11:30 특별강연 : 실험실 안전에 관한 강의(양정선, 산업안전보건연구원)
11:30 ~ 12:30 Plenary Lecture: Daniel W. Armstrong(University of Texas at Arlington, USA)
[재료화학] Large-Scale Nanopatterns by Self-Assembly (13:30~17:40)
[우수연구상수상기념강연]:한성환 (13:30 ~ 14:20)
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[의약화학] Current Struggles against Infectious Diseases (13:30~17:10)
[학술진보상수상기념강연]:김상욱 (13:30 ~ 14:00)
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[대한화학회] KCS school- 신성장동력과 화학산업 (14:10~17:50)
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[무기화학] New-Trends in Inorganic Chemistry (14:20~18:00)
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[공업화학] Dye-Sensitized and Organic Solar Cells (14:00~16:50)
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[분석화학] New Frontiers in Analytical Chemistry (14:00~17:10)
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[물리화학] Current Trends in Physical Chemistry (14:00~17:00)
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[생명화학] Biochemistry of Protein Structures and Functions (14:00~16:40)
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[고분자화학] Novel Functional Nanostructures: ㅡ Materials, Structures, Properties and Applications Ⅰ (14:00~16:45)
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[유기화학] New Development in Organic Chemistry (Reaction, Methodology, and Synthesis) (14:20~17:10)
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[고분자화학구두발표] General Topics on Polymer Science I (대학원생 발표) (17:00~17:50)
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[재료화학] Identifying the Material Characteristics for Medical Applications (09:00~12:00)
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[무기ㆍ환경화학공동] Chemical Approaches for Green Technology (09:00~12:00)
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[공업화학구두발표] Recent Trend in Green Chemical Processes (09:00~12:00)
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[분석화학] Development and Applications of Analytical Chemistry in Bio- and Nano-Technologies (09:00~11:45)
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[전기화학] Electrochemical Microchip Devices (09:20~12:05)
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[물리화학] Oral Presentation by Young Physical Chemists (09:00~12:05)
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[생명화학] Nanomaterials and Nucleic Acids for Molecular Therapy (09:10~12:30)
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[고분자화학구두발표] General Topics on Polymer Science Ⅱ (일반 회원 발표) (09:00~11:30)
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[유기화학구두발표] Oral Presentation for Young Organic Chemists (09:20~11:00)
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[재료화학구두발표] Recent Progresses in Materials Chemistry (13:30~17:00)
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[유기화학] New Development in Organic Chemistry (Function, Recognition, and Device) (13:30~17:00)
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[무기화학] Materials for Biofuntional Systems (14:00~16:45)
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[환경화학] Emerging Pollutants in the Environment (14:00~17:10)
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[물리화학구두발표] Theoretical and Experimental Physical Chemistry Forum (14:00~17:30)
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[고분자화학] Novel Functional Nanostructures: ㅡ Materials, Structures, Properties and Applications Ⅱ (14:00~17:20)
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[초중등ㆍ화학교육구두발표] Recent Trend in Chemical Education (14:30~17:10)
17:00 ~ 18:00 폐회식 1층 전시홀
[고분자화학구두발표] General Topics on Polymer Science I (대학원생 발표) (17:20~18:20)
서울 성북구 안암동 5가 34-1 한국화학회관 4층 (우)136-075 ☏ Tel) +82-2-953-2095, ☏ Fax) +82-2-953-2093, e-mail : webmaster@kcsnet.or.kr