- Date : April 26~28, 2023
- Venue : Suwon Convention Center, Suwon, Korea
Membership and Registration Fees
Category Membership Fees On-site Registration Fees A B (Membership fees included) KCS
MembersRegular Members (Lifetime)* - KRW 120,000 - Regular Members (Annual) KRW 70,000 KRW 120,000 KRW 190,000 Educational Members KRW 50,000 KRW 70,000 KRW 120,000 Student Members KRW 50,000 KRW 70,000 KRW 120,000 General Participants (Non-member) - KRW 250,000 ※ Registration fee waivers for undergraduate students are available. Please bring your student ID card to prove your student status. (But, all authors and presenters of abstracts are required to register and pay the appropriate registration fees.)
* Regular Members (Lifetime): KRW 1,400,000 (20 years of annual regular membership fee at the time of joining)
Poster Presentations
Venue Presentation
Date & TimeDivision (Topic) Mounting Demounting Exhibition Hall 2+3 (1F) April 27 (THU)
11:00~13:00Polymer Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Life Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Electrochemistry 09:00~11:00 15:00~16:00 April 28 (FRI)
11:00~13:00Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Material Chemistry, Chemistry Education, Environmental Energy 09:00~11:00 15:00~16:00 Presentations
- Presenters should be in attendance at their poster board during the assigned time of their poster presentation.
Time & Activity from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Poster Presentation Even Numbers Odd numbers Research Exchanges with Other Presenters Odd numbers Even Numbers - A poster presenter is required to stand by the poster during the scheduled poster presentation to answer questions from attendees.
- If your posters are not hung on board during all your presentation time, you will be considered as not to have attended and your name will be included in the lists of absent presenters.
Poster Presentation Area
- Poster board locations and allocated codes will be available on the bulletin board outside of the Exhibition Hall 2+3 (1F).
- A poster board number on poster display board indicates the location of assigned poster display. Please do NOT remove the number.
Setting up and Taking down
- Please follow the schedule outlining times for mounting and demounting your poster.
- Each poster should be placed on the numbered board assigned to each presenter.
- Material to pin up your poster will be provided at the venue.
- You are responsible for setting-up and taking down of your own poster. Unclaimed posters are not the responsibility of the organizers or KCS. And they will be disposed following your day without notice.
Poster Prizes
- BIONEER Poster Award
- Dongwoo Fine-Chem Poster Award
- BKCS Poster Award
- IUPAC Poster Award
- KCS Poster Award
- KCS Official Partner poster Award (Selected by Student Members)
KCS General Assembly and General Meetings of Divisions
KCS General Assembly
April 27 (THU) 13:00~15:30, Convention Hall 2
(Part 1. Plenary Lecture 13:00~14:20, Part 2. General Assembly 14:30~15:30)KCS Awards
• Academic Excellence Award: Minhaeng Cho (Korea University)
• Research Paper Award: Gyungse Park (Kunsan National University)
• BKCS Academic Advancement Award: Min Kim (Chungbuk National University)
• JKCS Academic Advancement Award: HyunJu Park (Chosun University)
• Education Advancement Award: Hyun Kyung Kim (Jeonbuk National University)
• Chemical Education Award: Taehee Noh (Seoul National University)
• Man Jung Han Academic Excellence Award: Chang Seop Hong (Korea University)
• MinChe Chon Chemist Award: Kyung Byung Yoon(Sogang University)
General Meetings of Divisions
• Polymer Chemistry: April 27 (THU) 17:30~18:00, Room 303
• Inorganic Chemistry: April 27 (THU) 17:35~18:00, Room 407+408
• Analytical Chemistry: April 27 (THU) 17:30~17:50, Room 301
• Electrochemistry: April 27 (THU) 17:50~18:10, Room 205+206
KCS No Recording Policy
The use of any device to capture images (e.g., cameras and camera phones) or sound (e.g., tape and digital recorders) or stream, upload or rebroadcast speakers or presentations is strictly prohibited at all official KCS meetings and events without express written consent from the KCS.
Lucky Draw Event & Poster Awarding Ceremony
Draw Date April 27 (THU), 18:00 at 1F Lobby April 28 (FRI), 16:30 at 1F Lobby * Please check the notice board on-site.